Angular Directives are used to manipute DOM based on the conditions provided. This article gives you the list of all built-in directives (attribute & structural) in Angular.
Writings on "Angular"
This article (Part 2) comes with the creation of a User interface for alarm clock and with basic handling with different scenarios.
In this tutorial, we will set up our angular project, customize and install the necessary dependencies.
In this article, we will be learning how to integrate Google Maps API in your Angular project.
Before we start, I assume you have all these ready:
We all know Angular is a platform for building mobile and desktop web applications. It’s always popular and booming since the release of version 2. So, here I am with the tutorial on Angular to cover the basics by building an alarm clock application, which will help beginners to get a grasp of it.
I have been using bootstrap since I started UI development. It has almost all the required classes as well as components to start a project from scratch.